A greener future, together

Our Sustainability Goals

We’re passionate about the world around us.

We recognise the carbon footprint generated involved in international trade and our role therein, and the careful balancing act between growth and sustainability. We are also passionate about providing other people and businesses with products which are good for the enivornment and sustainable.

We’re proud to have partnered with Switch2Zero to meet our sustainability goals. Starting with our Oplect Original Pens, we are moving towards offsetting the emissions generated during the manufacturing and transport of all of our products over the coming months.

How do we calculate our carbon emissions?

Emissions generated during transport of goods can be calculated according to the weight of the product and mode of transport for each leg of the journey. For the manufacturing of our products, a similar process of calculating emissions generated for each component’s manufacture, and also the final assembly of the product, is determined.

How does Switch2Zero work?

Switch2Zero funds a variety of third party verified carbon offsetting projects, while also directly combating plastic pollution and investing in future carbon capture through the planting of trees.

One example of their projects includes the Alternate Power Systems Pvt. Ltd Mini Hydro Power Project in Sri Lanka, generating up to 20,000 MWh of clean electricity annually from a small-scale hydropower plant which is supplied to the Sri Lankan national utility grid.

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